07904 471183
Oil/Water separator to handle condensate discharged from compressed air systems.
Legally, condensate from compressed air systems must be treated as hazardous waste and disposal costs associated with this are high. However, if the condensate is treated, then the water part can be discharged into the drainage system and then only the oil part needs to be disposed of correctly.
The OWAMAT Oil/Water Separator satisfies the legal requirements.
Standard Equipment:
Pressure relief chamber
Dirt Trap
Activated Carbon Filter
Sampling valve to check condition of filter
The Owamat should be selected according to capacity from the table.
Figures shown are maximum compressor station capacity based on a screw compressor using VDL or VCL oil. See data sheet for information on other types of oil and compressor. Please refer to the data sheet for the oil in your compressor to find out what type it is.
Available on request:
Unit with thermostatically controlled heater
Unit to handle larger capacity
Bekosplit emulsion splitting plant
Super filter set for Owamat 1,2,4,5R,6,8 (which includes filtermat/cap)
Technical Details
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